High Precision Lenses

Modified Dispersion Properties Meeting Demands for High-Precision Lenses

S-TIH53WN, S-LAH66N, and S-LAL18N have been modified in dispersion properties compared to conventional glass to meet the demands for high-precision lenses.
Adjustments have been made to the refractive index (excluding d-line), partial dispersion, partial dispersion ratio, abnormal dispersion, and the constants in the dispersion formula to reflect the changes in dispersion characteristics. Other properties remain unchanged.

Glass Refractive Index nd Abbe Number νd Datasheet
S-TIH53WN 1.84666 23.86 S-TIH53W Datasheet
S-TIH53W 1.84666 23.78 S-TIH53W Datasheet
S-LAH66N 1.77250 49.55 S-TIH53W Datasheet
S-LAH66 1.77250 49.60 S-TIH53W Datasheet
S-LAL18N 1.72916 54.59 S-TIH53W
S-LAL18 1.72916 54.68 S-TIH53W Datasheet